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commentary / political

Path To Prosperity Headscrather-10 Dumbest Things Paul Ryan Wants Cut

Let me just put this out here right now. P90X Paul Ryan is going to get his ass handed to him in Thursday’s debate with the grizzled vet Joe Bi. As I stated before when talking Nit Mitt V Obama on their foreign policy debate, it’s going to be like a robbery with a ski … Continue reading


A Sunday Funny-Real Muthaphukkin PGs (Puppet Gangstas)-Rated R (R-For Real)

I can see this clearly happening… Wednesday was just another ordinary day at 123 Sesame Street. Everything was all good. Everybody was doing their regular routine. Just minding their business. They even posed for a picture right before the debates. Then there was a change of tone when this came up. Everyone in the building … Continue reading